Questions for Strengthening the Virtual Leadership Muscle

Now is the time for reflection and introspection. Especially when it comes to leadership in virtual working conditions. We, as leaders, need to ask ourselves the tough questions while getting back to basics.

Due to our virtual working conditions here are the business areas and questions I have focused on in my own business during COVID19 & have had my clients focus on:

  1. Here are the questions I ask myself daily – Who can I help? How can I help? Who can help me? This kind of inquiry will anchor the organization back in its purpose; it also strengthens the bonds between team members.
  2. Many organizations should be revisiting their mission statements, vision statements, and core values because how your company existed, operated, behaved, and performed pre-COVID19 may not be what it evolves into now or post-COVID19.

Once you’re in alignment with your purpose, the skills actions follow to fill in gaps and blind spots.

1) Active listening – what are people saying? What does it mean to them? How does their body language & behavior reveal non-verbal communication? Having the ability to interpret a person’s body language lets the listener develop a more accurate understanding of the speaker’s message.

2) Check context & clarify perceptions – Communication is relative. What you hear from me is a combination of your subjective perceptions of reality as well as mine. For effective communication to take place, we both need to be aware of and respect our perceptual differences.

As you are listening to your team member speak, check the accuracy of your understanding by asking insightful questions.

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