Smashing 10 Myths About Executive Leadership Coaching

Executive coaching is a powerhouse tool for turbocharging leadership and team performance. Yet, despite its proven benefits, there are many who don’t take advantage of the opportunities presented by this type of high-level leadership coaching. It doesn’t help that there are loads of myths floating around that make people hesitant. Let’s get debunking these myths!

1. MYTH: Executive coaching is for underperformers.

Nope. Executive coaching is for everyone. Leadership coaching isn’t a last-ditch effort to save someone from drowning. It’s about unlocking a person’s hidden potential to make them even more awesome. Imagine if LeBron James said,   “Coaching? Nah, that’s for the benchwarmers.”

2. MYTH: Executive coaching is just a fad.

No, it’s not like beyblades or tamagotchis. It’s not a fad; it’s a game-changer. Data and research show that coaching significantly boosts leadership effectiveness and organizational performance. Longitudinal studies have proved its lasting impact.

3. MYTH: There’s no way to track executive coaching results.

There are many tools for tracking success, and we use ’em. Ever heard of 360-degree feedback? This powerful tool helps leadership coaches set clear objectives to track progress. From behavioral changes to goal attainment, there’s a metric for measuring that success.

4. MYTH: Coaches make career decisions for you.

Nope! If you want that, get a Magic 8-Ball. Coaches won’t tell you what to do. Coaches guide you to find your own solutions, fostering self-directed learning and decision-making.They guide clients to find their own solutions rather than providing answers. They’re the Gandalf to your Frodo, showing you the way but not carrying you up Mount Doom.

5. MYTH: Isn’t Coaching Super Time-Consuming?

Not so, and it’s just like working out; you go soft if you don’t go. Life’s busy, we get it — but the time you invest in coaching pays off in increased efficiency and effectiveness, saving you hours of future headaches — and can lead to a bigger payday, too. Executive coaching is flexible.

6. MYTH: Isn’t coaching just therapy?

Nope. It’s designed for your professional life, not your marriage. Therapy dives into your past — but coaching focuses on your future goals. Think of coaching as your strategic partner, pushing you towards your business dreams.

7. MYTH: Executive coaching is expensive.

It costs less than stagnant leadership and missed opportunities — and tax deductible! The ROI of coaching is huge. Did you know people working with executive coaches see an 80% boost in performance? 85% of my clients get the new promotion or new position they want — and saw their income increase by 50%! It’s an investment.

8. MYTH: It’s just for senior leaders.

Leadership coaching is for anyone who wants professional career growth. Coaches helps people and organizations get unstuck — and unstoppable. From high-potential mid-level managers, emerging leaders, and executives looking to level up — leadership is nurtured and improved by coaching.

9. MYTH: In-person coaching is best. 

Is it 1998? Virtual coaching is standard practice and offers more choice. Virtual coaching is just as effective, offering flexibility and accessibility that in-person sessions can’t. Plus, no commute means more time for actual coaching. Welcome to the 21st century!

10. MYTH: Executive coaches must be experts in your field.

It’s about your behavior, not your industry. Listen, if your industry is struggling to evolve, you don’t need a familiar industry talking head with old ideas — you need innovative ideas and insights to push forward. Coaches are experts in development, and they help you see the forest, not just the trees. Plus, there’s great power in a fresh, outside perspective.

By mixing empirical data, case studies, expert opinions, and real-life success stories, we can dismantle these myths and reveal the true power of executive coaching. Ready to take your performance to the next level? Coaching might just be your secret weapon.


Kelly Meerbott, PCC is a renowned expert in executive leadership and coach with over 90% of clients achieving and even exceeding their goals. Kelly is also a TEDx and keynote speaker, author, and host of the podcast — Hidden Human — Season 8 just launched!

Ready to transform your leadership journey? Currently accepting new clients for late 2024-2025. Connect with Kelly on LinkedIn! Let’s grow.

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