Unleashing the Mermaid: Empowering Women with Sharron L. Cooks, CEO of Making Our Lives Easier, joins Kelly Meerbott on the podcast. Image shows Kelly sitting by microphone and Sharron in a circle frame pic.

Unleashing the Mermaid: Empowering Women in a Sea of Challenges

Join Kelly Meerbott as she sits down with Sharron Lynn Cooks, a community affairs and public relations consultant at Making Our Lives Easier LLC, to discuss the unique challenges women face, including the importance of reclaiming sexual power and financial independence. SLynn shares insights on her upcoming virtual Heauxlistic Mermaids Retreat in April 2025 in collaboration with Marley Green and Madame Z, which is designed to empower women through self-confidence, emotional well-being, and navigating relationships.

Don’t miss Sharron’s powerful message on navigating challenges. 


Kelly Meerbott  

Hey, y’all, Kelly Meerbott, host of Hidden Human: The Stories Behind the Business Leader. This conversation with Ms. Sharron Cooks, who’s a consultant for Making Our Lives Better, is probably one of the most intimate conversations that I’ve ever recorded. It deals with taking back our sexual power as women, financial planning as a child-free person in life, and unpacking the constructs that we, as women, have been bombarded with and internalized. She and several of her colleagues have created a safe space for women to unpack all of that, called the Heauxlistic Mermaid Retreat, and we talk more about that. So I know I say this every week, y’all, but Hidden Human has been filled for these past two seasons with people that are not only colleagues and doing world-changing work, but they’re friends. And I just realized how lucky I am to have people like Ms. Sharron Cooks in my life. We were chatting before we started about how many impactful ways you’ve put a handprint on my heart, and you’re a consultant for Making Our Lives Better, which you have made my life better since we met. So, first of all, welcome to Hidden Human. Thank you so much for coming on, Sharron.

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

Oh, well, thank you for having me, Kelly. Yes, I am a consultant at Making Our Lives Easier. I have a website, makingourliveseasier.org. What I do is provide quality resources and information to underrepresented communities through community affairs and public relations. I also do consulting for judicial candidates, and political candidates, and state representatives. A lot of the work I do is around imaging, because imaging is very important. Many of my clients are looking to be more prominent, raise their public profile, or their looking to have their social media to reflect the type of branding they have. So I help them shape their business brand, help personal shape their personal brand, and how that translates on social media because we are living in a digital marketing age.

Kelly Meerbott  

Yeah, and to be perfectly transparent, I hired Sharron to help me pose because when I get in front of the camera, I don’t know what it is because I’ve been in front of cameras since I was four and a half, and I’m 48 now—but I still freeze up. And if you follow Sharron on social media, her– it’s just beautiful. You are someone who stops a room, changes the energy, and personally, you take my breath away with the work you do and how you show up.

Sharron Lynn Cooks    

Oh, well, thank you. I invest a lot. So, and I’ll end up with my company Making Our Lives Easier. I actually have a workshop. It’s called Creating the Perfect Image, and in that workshop, what we do is that we do — you know how we did on our one on one session. It’s really about building one self confidence. And once you feel confidence in building your self esteem and just having someone there to give you those affirmations and that extra step, it gives you the courage to be fearless, to wear what you want without apology and to do what you want unapologetically, yes.

Kelly Meerbott  

And I mean, that’s the way she lives her life, right? And you know, for me, Sharron, Making Our Lives Better is just a perfect name for you. What I’d also love for you to share is, I know you do those workshops, but you’ve got a beautiful retreat coming up. Unfortunately, I’ll be out of town and can’t make this one, but I’m hoping you have more.

Sharron Lynn Cooks    

You know what? We — the ladies that I am collaborating with — we got such a influx of interest that we decided to actually move it to April 2025 and we are also expanding the workshops. So we’re going to just take a little bit more time because of good talks of interest. So it’s the holistic mermaids retreats. And mermaids are women who are — they believe in self preservation, and we believe in living a luxurious and carefree life full of travel. So it’s all about there’s a philosophy along with the brand. A lot of people think, you know, you know Heauxlistic Fairview on its side, but it’s a play on words, um. And there is a content creator, Marley the Mermaid that I’ve been following for years. And her and I, and another lady named Madam D, we all decided to get together and collaborate to bring how he can become a wealthy man magnet. You know, everything’s about dating. VC, so we have something about that in there. Yeah, yeah. And then how to travel and live abroad. Because, you know, as women, you know, a lot of us don’t travel by ourselves. We don’t do solo travel. It’s like we have to go with, you know, a girlfriend, or we have to go with a significant other. So the workshop is really about and holistic therapy is really about your own personal journey. It’s a woman only space, and it’s about your journey in becoming the person that you want to become, and understanding that self preservation is number one. So it’s going to be a really, really great experience. And we’re also going to talk about the shadow side of men, which is amazing, which I think you’re going to absolutely love.

Kelly Meerbott  

Yeah, and that’s, that’s what I was going to ask you, Sharon, because, and I’m sorry to interrupt you, but you had said everything’s about dating, obviously. So I’ve been married 16 years. I mean, is there something there for the married women, that will speak to —

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

Oh, absolutely. So we have a workshop called domination unleashed. So it’s about tapping in to your inner femme fatale. And it’s also about, you know, giving you insights on navigating your relationship and intimacy with your partner. You know, if you’ve been married for 20 years, if you’ve been, you know, in a monogamous relationship, or even if you’re just dating, these are things that– a lot of times as women, our pleasure in intimate settings doesn’t necessarily come first, so the workshop is about teaching women to learn more about themselves, about their parties, so they can unleash that intimacy with themselves, with their long time partner with someone who they might just want to hook up with In the middle of the night. Yeah, well, that they’re seriously dating. So for women who are married, women who are single, women who have children, women who don’t have children, there is something for everybody. And the shadow side of men! That is going to be such a really great workshop, because it actually talks about misogyny and the patriarchy, and it talks about how men have the shadow sides and their true nature, that they often hide from the public, that they often hide from the women that they love them. So we expose Marley and her shadow side of men. Course, she actually exposes a lot of that. Because the messaging is, is that, you know, when you look at STD statistics, whether you’re married, whether you’re single, whether you’re dating, when you look at, you know, the rise of the manosphere and this in movement that’s going on online. When you look at women who are deciding to just completely say, You know what, I can’t have the marriage or the relationship that my mom had, I’m throwing my hands up in the air. There’s not a lot of spaces to actually talk about those. So we’re curating the retreat and holistic edit — the Heauxlistic Mermaids Retreat. We’re curating a retreat so we as women can openly talk about those things. We can openly — I shared your TEDx talk with the women that I’m collaborating with — 

Kelly Meerbott

Oh my god, thank you!

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

It was SO moving. And we talk about things that was a shadow side of male thing that happened to you. And we talk about those types of things and what women should look out for, because our safety as women is the number one priority. So it’s creating a safe space for everyone. And there’s something —

Kelly Meerbott  

First of all, thank you for that, and I love you so much. But you you know, and I didn’t expect the conversation to go this way, but I’m glad it did, and I hope you’re okay with it, and we’ll get into the questions. But you know, one of the things I’m exhausted of and I know you can relate to this is walking out of my house and doing the cognitive acrobatics, even though it’s like 30 feet from my front door to my car, you know, like, what am I wearing? Am I covered? Is it? Is it presentable without being too sexy? Like, you know, one day I was at the gas station, and I’m minding my own business, and it’s after a workout, so I’m disgusting. And this guy was, like, you married? And I was like, and he goes, Well, he’s a lucky guy. And it sounds like it’s flattery, but for me, it felt like a violation of my space. And I got in the car and I went home, and my husband was like, What’s wrong with you? And I can’t even go to the fucking gas station without somebody saying something, you know, and just because I’m there, that doesn’t mean that invites you to talk to me, you. Does that make sense

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

Absolutely. In our holistic therapy spaces, we unpack patriarchal contracts and how women are pressured to conform to certain roles. We’re realizing now that some of those traditional “benefits” of marriage aren’t necessary anymore. Women are earning more, we have more freedoms than we did 50 years ago, and while we still have a way to go—especially with the gender wage gap—there’s a shift happening. Holistic therapy pushes back on those narratives and encourages women to live life on their own terms, whether they’re child-free, married, or single.

Kelly Meerbott

First of all, thank you for that, and I love you so much. But you know, I didn’t expect the conversation to go this way, but I’m glad it did, and I hope you’re okay with it, and we’ll get into the questions. One thing I’m exhausted by—and I know you can relate to this—is walking out of my house and doing the mental gymnastics even though it’s just 30 feet from my front door to my car. Like, what am I wearing? Is it presentable without being too sexy? One day I was at a gas station after a workout, I was disgusting, and this guy goes, “Are you married?” And I’m like, “Yeah,” and he says, “Well, he’s a lucky guy.” It felt like a violation of my space. And when I got home, my husband was like, “What’s wrong?” And I said, “I can’t even go to the gas station without somebody saying something to me.” Just because I’m there doesn’t mean I’m inviting that. Does that make sense?

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

Totally, and that’s a lot of — so I we in our holistic therapy spaces, we talk about very controversial topics, and males are dangerous predators, and we try to warn women about the predatory nature of men, the signs that they need to look out for. Sometimes it’s better to to stay away from them completely, and then other times it is a cost.

Kelly Meerbott

Oh, say more about that. Say more about that.

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

So, living in a patriarchal society, we as women, in order to be able to survive, a lot of us, we decide that we enter into a contract with a male, which is a patriarchal contract, in order to provide ourselves with certain types of benefits. You know, prior to 1964 you know, women had to be married to have a bank account in their own you know, women couldn’t, you know, have their own possessions, couldn’t have land in their name. But in 2024 we’re realizing that maybe all of those benefits that were bestowed from marriage aren’t necessarily worth it. Women are earning more. Women have much more freedoms than they did 50 years ago. We still have a long way to go, but we have, we still have to, you know, close the, you know, the gender wage gap between men and women, that’s, you know, men are definitely getting paid more than we are. You know, what we have to spend on, you know, feminine hygiene products, you know, is a cost. You know, a lot of grooming, tax grooming, you know. And we also talk about, you know, these tropes of what the standard of beauty is, and every woman has a standard of beauty that she should be setting for herself that does not have to do with anything that is centering a man. So when we talk about the patriarchal contract, it’s like society has this pressure that you have to be married by a certain age, and you have to have kids by a certain age, and you have to have this family, you have to have this and you have to have that in order to be validated as the woman in our society. Yeah. And holistic therapy pushes against that narrative. It pushes back against we can be child free. I’m child free and I’m single and I’m happy, and people, even other women, find that very hard.

Kelly Meerbott

They do that with me too. I mean, like when that whole narrative of the childless cat lady came out, I was like, right here, like, now I have dogs too. But you know what I’m interested in, because my my team and I were discussing this last Friday, and this is an idea that’s just been rolling around in my head, and it’s not fully formulated, but I’m really interested to talk to you about this, since we’re on this this track about leveraging your assets to open doors, right? Because we know we live in this patriarchal society. And what I was saying to my team was, appear available without being available. And they were like, oh my god, Kelly, that’s, you know, and I’ve got a woman of color on my team, and she was like, that’s a white lady thing. But the way I’m thinking about it is just the way men go to the golf course and bond, if we can utilize all our assets to get in the door and be part of that conversation without sleeping our way to the top.

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

Well, I don’t issues with anyone who is sleeping their way to the top, as long as they have the qualifications to do the job, right? I mean, controversial, yeah, but yeah at the end of the day. I, you know, being a part of this spaces in the online community of women that I’m a part of it is we teach women how to utilize your assets to make them benefit you, instead of that’s what I mean another instead of benefiting a male, it’s right benefit you in your life, so you don’t need to, you know — needing a man so you could have a bank account. It’s like no longer a thing. Now we’re starting to break this social stigma of, oh, if you’re not married by a certain age, you know, it doesn’t matter. It’s okay. It’s actually starting to be something that is normalized. And there a lot of women who have a lot of internalized misogyny, and it’s very hard for them to break away from that. They’re like, pick me, pick me, pick me. It’s, and it’s, it’s, it’s harmful to other women, because that sense of jealousy and envy has led to what we often refer to in our online community as set up queens. You know the girl who might put something in your drink at a frat party and lead you in store rooms or frat guys can do stuff to you while you’re not conscious. We all know someone or know stories like that that have happened so the space and the Heauxlistic Mermaids Retreat, the overall general philosophy is women’s self preservation, which means protecting yourself and knowing your opponent. You know Like you were just saying. It’s funny me and my girlfriend went out to the supermarket, and all of a sudden I just looked up, and I’m like, because, you know, you can feel what people, yeah, staring at you. And I yes up. And I was like, Girl, what is going on? We must look extra good today. And she’s like, we’re like, a gazelles in the wild.

Kelly Meerbott

I know, right? And then I mean, you talk about —

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

I want to be able to go out no matter what I’m wearing, because, contrary to popular belief, you know, I don’t run errands looking like this, but pants or my yoga pants or something. Oh, yeah. So, you know, ultimately, at the end of the day, the retreat and the holistic therapy space, and what I do try to do with Making Our Lives easier, and the workshops that I have with, you know, creating the perfect image and building self confidence. It’s really about setting women free, and it’s really about women understanding their own intrinsic value, singular outside of anything else, because a lot of women think that they’re worth is only determined if they’re attractive to a man, if they can do domestic labor for a Man, know you’re a valid whole human being that deserves to be treated with respect and honored and revered as a sole, sovereign individual.

Kelly Meerbott

That is so like, Oh, that’s so yummy. I love that, that phrase. I find it interesting, though, and I’m wondering what your thoughts are about. This is what I’ve noticed about like millennials, Gen Z, Alpha, is they seem to be centering their circle of influence around friends and friend relationships versus partners. Are you? Are you seeing that shift a little bit?

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

I am seeing that for a little bit, and it’s very interesting that you bring that up because one of my best friends and I, we constantly talk about that. We’re like, okay, so both of us, with both of us, are single childless cat ladies. There’s a distinction between child free and childless. I am child free. I don’t want children.

Kelly Meerbott

Yeah, I’m child free too,

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

Right, but childless is “I want children, but I may not be able to have them, or I don’t have them yet, or I haven’t, you know, met the right partner.” Um, so she wants to have children. She just, you know, has not met the right partner yet. But we constantly have these conversations around, you know, what happens in our Golden Girls years, because we’re both, you know, in our 40s, and we’re like, you know, what happens? Like, you know, what is it going to be our contingency plan? So her and I are actually having conversations about, okay, what does buying a duplex with you living like across the breezeway look like? So we’re having these. I’m a Gen X. She’s an older millennial. So we are having these conversations around, what does retirement look like when you’re not married, right? What does retirement look like when you don’t have kids? And I think that those aren’t conversations that women necessarily have. So. Those are conversations that are happening in the online communities that I’m a part of that are just women only spaces. And those are conversations that I’m having with, like my other women friends who are in my age group. It’s like, you know, we should really start thinking, if we’re not partnered together, we can, you know, put our resources together. We can get a nice little golden girls, you know, rancher, have it tricked out because, you know, put all the things. Of the things in there make it, you know, accessible for wheelchairs, making it accessible for, you know, hospital beds and when things like that have to making it accessible for the nurses staff or the caretaking stuff that’s coming out. So to answer your question, yes, those conversations amongst me and my girlfriends and the people that I know, women that I know, are actually happening.

Kelly Meerbott

Yeah. And I want to say to all of you, you should come to Portugal with us, because that’s what, what me, my husband and my brother are doing where we’re learning Portuguese, because I found out that you can live on $975 a month, and that includes full health care for both of our you know —

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

That’s fantastic!

Kelly Meerbott

It’s safe for women. They a lot of the residents speak English. They like Americans, I mean, and it’s Portugal, I mean, like, yeah.

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

See, and that’s why we are putting together the Heauxlistic Mermaids Retreat, because a lot of women, like, you know, don’t know about those types of experiences, right? So creating a space where women can share like that is such invaluable piece of information. So living and traveling, living internationally, and traveling internationally is something that one of the women that I’m collaborating with has done, and it’s those tidbits of information that are going to be unlocked in the retreat in April.

Kelly Meerbott

I love that! I love that. And where is the retreat, Sharron?

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

It’s going to be completely virtual. So there is so we have a Facebook page. We have if you type in, well, if you type in, Heauxlistic Mermaids Retreat, we have a Facebook page. We’re on Tiktok. We are on X we are on YouTube, and we’ve just been creating some little promo videos about what everyone can expect in the workshop. We are also on Eventbrite, so people can go to Eventbrite as well and just read over the just various different descriptions and what the workshops have to offer. And like I said before, the ladies and I have gotten so much interest that we decided to push it out. It’s up to April 2025 and we also decided to, you know, flesh out the — to flesh out the workshops, to give abilities as much information as possible, we have general admission tickets, and then we have VIP packages, where VIPs are going to have an opportunity to have one on one conversation with each of the hosts and they’re also going to get a special digital gift from, you know, each one of the hosts, and a summation of each one of the workshops. Because, you know, workshops happen and they’re great and they’re wonderful, but unless the knowledge is taken and actually applied in real time, real world scenarios is pointless. So you know, the audience for this retreat is, you know, women who are not on the fence about making a transformational change in their life, um, women who feel like they could just, you know, you know, I thought I have it together, but I might, you know, wanted little boost for women who just want to be in a space That’s just all women

Kelly Meerbott

I know, right? Yeah, so okay — two, two follow up questions for that. One, are you all looking for sponsors?

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

Yes, absolutely! I’m the contact person for that. And I just want to clarify, it’s not the traditional spelling of “holistic,” right?

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

Yes, we’re absolutely looking, okay, sponsors. And I’ll be the contact person for that. I just wanted to add that, okay?

Kelly Meerbott

And I just want you to clarify. It’s not the traditional spelling of holistic, correct, right,

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

Correct. So I’m going to mention her controversial figure right now, but wasn’t controversial five years ago, Miss Amber Rose. So Miss Amber Rose is controversial right now, but the reason that I fell in love with Amber Rose is because years ago, she did what was called the Slut Walk, and it was actually taking back the power. It was about women who’ve been sexually assaulted and just because I’m wearing whatever I’m wearing, or just because, you know, I could be butt naked, — and I could have consented and said yes 999,999 times but am saying no this time, and this means no. So the whole philosophy behind the stop walk with women taking back their power and having a demonstration that regardless of how we show up in the world, our bodies are our bodies, and they should not be violated by anyone. So I say all that to say that the word “Ho” has been something that has been demonized in our society because a woman who knows her body and is sexually liberated has been labeled a “Ho.” Yeah, because women’s sexual pleasure has been so repressed, so it’s Heaux, as in, H, e, u, x, listic, l, i, s, t, i, c, um, Mermaids Retreat and again, we decided, well, I didn’t decide. You collectively decided, follower of the holistic therapy content for almost about a decade now. So it’s nothing. It’s the content creator, Marley Green, who is this is all her work. I’m just coming in, you know, collaborating with her. She’s, you know, giving me that opportunity to collaborate with her, because I really do believe in the message. I think, yeah, clearly mark, clearly, of men is very important for every woman. And she is a lesbian. She’s an out, proud lesbian. So this is coming from all of these things are coming from a virtual sex worker who is a lesbian and has no emotional attachments to men whatsoever. So I think that it’s very interesting that she has this platform where she only engages men for strictly transactional purposes, virtually and she’s able to detach herself from any emotional attachment because she’s not attracted to men. It’s very hard for women like us who are attracted to men, to detach them from their true nature and from their chef’s eye. So you know, it’s, it’s, it’s a lot of information in the shadow side of men. Yeah, what are your husbands doing? What are your male friends doing? It’s very insightful. There’s a lot of visuals, there’s a lot of audience, there’s —

Kelly Meerbott

I love that!

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

There’s a lot of what, you know, she’s done this workshop before, what we thought, you know, putting it together in a retreat would be great. You know, there’s women that cry because of their realizations and the epiphanies that they’re having about the men that they’re connected to, and it doesn’t necessarily mean in an intimate setting. You know their fathers, their brothers. You know, men going to the work and, you know, wanking it off in the Johnson, you know, wanking their Johnson off in the, you know, bathroom stall in the middle of lunch while they’re, you know, looking at a virtual sex worker on their phone. These things happen, yeah. And I think that women should be armed with the information and navigate accordingly. Yeah, well, so that’s the cost benefit analysis, so I believe in hypergamy. Yeah, data, marry up. Okay? Because if you’re going to get stressed out, you might as well do it at an exotic location.

Kelly Meerbott

Yeah, and this, folks, is one of the many reasons why I love Miss Sharron Cooks. Okay, this I want to say to everybody that’s listening to hidden human this is one tiny sliver of who Sharron is. She is spectacular in all the work she does. I highly recommend that anybody who wants to look and get more comfortable, I’m not quite there yet, in front of the camera, to hire Sharon, and if I wanted to do that, how would I do that? Sharron?

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

Well, you can reach me at Ms. — that’s MS, C, O, O, K, S  — @gmail.com, I have some clients that I have a law firm that I am representing now called Piccarreto Law. They are criminal defense and family law firm, and they do really, really, really great work. I would implore everyone to check them out. The owner is a colleague of mine. So I was really excited when she decided, hey, you know, she did the public defender thing, and then she also worked for a very large personal injury firm. And she was like, You know what, I’m going to go out there and I’m going to start my own business. And, you know, I love women who start their own businesses, you know, she, she achieved her JD later on in life, and to be able to work with her on her imaging, work with her on her branding for her, you know, the new startup law firm is really, really amazing, and she has a team of lawyers working at her firm that are really great. So Picarreto Law, you know, definitely check that out. So yeah, I’m gonna have to, yeah, absolutely. And she’s, she’s fantastic. And I think that you actually like, love her.

Kelly Meerbott

Oh, well, I love you. So I mean, that’s, that’s an easy jump. So can I ask you four rapid fire questions before we wrap up?

Sharron Lynn Cooks  


Kelly Meerbott

What’s your favorite comfort food?

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

My favorite comfort food is actually seafood gumbo, yum. I learned how to make it last year, in the winter, I went on YouTube and I found the recipe, and I have been making it ever since, that is like one of my favorite comforts.

Kelly Meerbott

Sometimes I love that question, sometimes I hate that question. And today I hate it because I’m starving and I’m like, Oh, seafood gumbo…

Sharron Lynn Cooks 

Well, you know what? I just got into the point. I just got to the point in life where I enjoy food because I just used food as a way to stay sustainable. And now, and I just told my girlfriend the other day, I was like, oh my god, I understand comfort food, now, I get it. I get it. I kind of get it. Because good food, period, is comforting.

Kelly Meerbott

Oh yeah, you know, and nourishing at the same time, like we had, we had sushi at Bluefin in Norristown last weekend, literally the best seafood salad I’ve ever had. And i i my i was closing my eyes, eating it. And Brian goes, What are you doing? And I was like, I’m shutting everything out. I just want to connect with the mouth, feel the nourishment like all of that. So I totally get it.

Sharron Lynn Cooks

Okay, oh, my God, that’s so great. You know, when I I start doing other, you know, the food, I start doing a little smile, and I start rocking back and forth. And I’m like, I start to food dance, you know, it’s good.

Kelly Meerbott

I’m like, Yes, ma’am, yes.

Okay, so what books are on your nightstand?

Sharron Lynn Cooks 

You know what books are on my nightstand… I have two journals. I have a personal journal that I journal in every morning, and I also have a financial journal that I keep on my nightstand. And so I was talking to my therapist, and she was telling me that, because I used to, I don’t have it anymore, I had to learn how to unpack it in therapy. A lot of, you know, anxiety around finances, and she was just like, you know, just keep a journal, and keeping a journal has, you know, been really, really helpful. So I keep a financial journal on what my projected retirement goals are, and I keep a personal journal to share my feelings and how I’m feeling.

Kelly Meerbott

Every word comes out of your mouth, I’m like, I just, I love this woman so much.

Okay, what songs are on your playlist?

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

Enough by Cardi B!

Kelly Meerbott

I was saying to somebody today, I, you know, she her, first of all, her pregnancy photos are spectacular, of course, funny, um, and Bodak Yellow got me through, like, a really tough time in my life. And my husband actually introduced her to me. He was like, you need to listen to this song, because I live on the Main Line. There were some Main Line ladies that were being like mean girls to me, and of course, they — this is no shame, but just to give you context, they were not solopreneurs, not business owners. They were dependent, as we were talking about, on somebody.

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

Those are the women who had those patriarchal contracts talking about the trad wife, the, you know, the stay at home moms, but they’re, they’re, they’re solely stay at home moms. Like, they’re not doing social media, they’re not doing coaching, they’re not, you know, so, yeah.

Kelly Meerbott

So she, she got me through a dark time, and he’s like, listen to the words. And my favorite line is, I’m a boss, you’re a worker, bitch. Like, yeah, back the hell off. So, yeah, okay. So what are you most grateful for in this moment right now?

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

I am grateful for the opportunity to be on Hidden Human. I am grateful for the spiritual protection that I have over me and my things in my life. I’m grateful for my health, because I could not do anything if I was not healthy. So I am always appreciative of my health. I’m always appreciative of my wealth, because health is wealth, always appreciative of the protection. The spiritual, energetic protection that I have over me in my life to see me into maybe well over 100 and I’ll still be in those heels.

Kelly Meerbott

And I’ll be next door to you in my muumuu, eating Mallomars, because at 100 I’m not going to give a shit. [Laughing].

Yes, yes, yes, queen, I love you so much. Thank you so much for giving us your time, precious time currency

Sharron Lynn Cooks  

Well, today, thank you so much. I appreciate you so much having me on and that the production staff, I really appreciate it again. You guys can go to makingourliveseasier.org. If you want to get in contact with me, and I am making our lives easier all across all platforms. I am on Twitter, I am on Facebook, and if you wanted to follow me, you know Sharron Cooks, you can follow me on social media.

Kelly Meerbott

Yes, and her social media is beautiful. I mean, it just is. So thank you Sharron, and thank you to the audience for listening.

It’s our intention here on Hidden Human to inspire you to go out and have authentic conversations, to deepen the connections in your life.

Thank you all so much, and make it a great day.

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