Red Flags When Hiring Vendors: A Guide to Avoiding Disaster. Image shows text with sketchy dude in sunglasses.

Red Flags When Hiring Vendors: A Guide to Avoiding Disaster

As an entrepreneur, one of the biggest lessons I had to learn was about choosing the right vendors to work with. As a coach, I want to help everyone — but as a leader, I’ve learned many hard lessons about working with vendors and consultants.

Let me save you time! Prevent disaster by keeping an eye out for these red flags.

1. The Ghosting Guru

Did your vendor vanish like a Snapchat message after you signed the contract? You’ve got a ghosting guru. A vendor who’s impossible to reach is more trouble than a Wi-Fi outage during a Zoom call. If they disappear now, imagine what they’ll do when you really need them.

2. The “We Do Everything” Guy

Beware of the jack-of-all-trades who promises to fix your plumbing, design your website, and cater your lunch meeting. They’ll likely do all of it badly. Stick to specialists. The more hats they wear, the more likely they are to drop the ball—right on your project.

3. The Amazing Changing Quote

If their pricing is as slippery as a water slide, run! Vague or constantly changing quotes are a surefire sign you’ll be overcharged for underwhelming service. Make sure everything is in writing and crystal clear before you sign — and if you can, have your lawyer review the contract.

4. The “I Need It Now” Push

A vendor who demands snap decisions and quick contracts is like a toddler on a sugar high — and more of a sales person than a service provider. They’ll push you and might leave you stranded. Good vendors don’t do that — if they can’t wait, they might not be worth waiting for.

5. The Over-Promiser

If they promise the moon but can’t even get deliverables like your proposal or contract done on time, be wary. Over-promisers will hype you up and let you down harder than a bad date. Look for responsive vendors who set realistic expectations and deliver on them consistently.

6. The Jargon Juggler

Vendors who bombard you with technical jargon and acronyms might be hiding their lack of actual skill. If they can’t explain it simply, they probably don’t get it themselves. Remember, clarity is key. You should understand what you’re paying for without needing a translator.

7. “You Don’t Need References, Just Look At Our Results”

A vendor without references is like a car without wheels. Good vendors should have a list of happy clients ready to sing their praises. No references? Big red flag. If they don’t offer proof of past successes and happy clients, how can you trust them with your company’s future?

8. The “We’ve Never Had a Complaint” Claim

Anyone who claims they’ve never had a dissatisfied client is either lying or inexperienced — so do your research! Everyone gets complaints; it’s how they handle them that counts. Ask how they resolved past issues — it’s a great indicator of their customer service skills.

9. The Non-Discloser

If a potential vendor is cagey about their methods or the details of how their services work and will benefit your company, they are hiding something. Transparency is key. If they won’t share the details, beware. A good vendor is an open book, not a mystery novel.

10. The Late Larry

Punctuality is a good predictor of reliability. If they’re late for meetings or slow to respond during the vetting process, they’ll likely be a nightmare when deadlines loom. If they cannot respect your time, walk away and instead choose punctual vendors who embrace clear communication.

11. The Contract Conjurer

Beware the vendor whose contract is more complex than a Tolstoy novel. Complicated or one-sided contracts are a red flag that they might try to slip something past you. Simplicity and fairness in contracts are signs of a trustworthy partner — and, again, have your lawyer review!

12. Too Cheap To Be Real

If their prices are suspiciously low, there’s probably a reason. You get what you pay for, and with cheap vendors, that’s often shoddy work and hidden fees. Value and quality go hand-in-hand. It can be easy to let a low price tag blind you to potential pitfalls — ask me how I know!

13. The Overly Confident Conman

The vendor who’s too slick, with too much charm, gives far too many compliments, and offers too many ‘guarantees’ can be a red flag. Confidence is good, but overconfidence is often a cover for incompetence. Look for a balance of humility and expertise.

14. The Drama Dealer

Talk is cheap! If they dish out more drama than a reality TV show, keep your distance. Vendors who badmouth their competition or former clients are likely to be unprofessional and unreliable. A professional demeanor speaks volumes about their business ethics.

15. The Social Media Ghost

In this digital age, a vendor without any online presence is a red flag. No website, no reviews, no social media? They might as well not exist. Do your homework and look for a solid online footprint. If you can’t find them online, how reputable can they be?
Hiring the right vendor can save you time, money, and a whole lot of headaches. Keep an eye out for these red flags, and you’ll avoid the pitfalls that come with hiring the wrong person or company. Remember, it’s better to be cautious — don’t do anything you’ll later regret!

Stay sharp and keep those vendors in check. Now you’re well-equipped to spot the red flags and choose vendors who will help your business thrive. Good luck!

Kelly Meerbott, PCC is a renowned expert in executive leadership coaching, a TEDx and keynote speaker, author, and host of the podcast Hidden Human.

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